Shown Pictures of Different Parts of the US

and Told "These are Your Instructions..."

I'm a little reluctant to talk about these experiences, but since I'm assured anonymity, I'll go ahead and relate a few things that happened to me between the ages of 13-24 (I'm now 26). I've had quite a few UFO-related encounters as early as the age of 5, but these occurences are the most prominent...

This one happend around the age of 13 at about 3:00 AM. I awoke suddenly to find that "something" had its hands flat on my chest and trying to lift me up. It was almost as if I were metal and its hands were a magnet, they were literally stuck to my chest. Anyway, there seemed to be a problem because several attempts were made. During the episode, I heard a very loud, oscillating humming sound. I could not move, speak, or open my eyes, although I was determined to find out what was going on (I was fully conscious). Finally, I was able to see what this thing was...

Floating close to 3 feet above me was a humanoid figure I would guess to be nearly 5' tall. It was dressed from head to toe in a silver suit, which seemed to glow. The only physical feature of the being that was clearly visible were the eyes, which were somewhat large and slanted upward away from where the nose would be (I didn't see a nose so I can't say that it had one). The being's hands were direcly in front of its chest, palms facing toward me. It floated up toward the ceiling and disappeared. I vaguely recall a blue-like cloud that seemed to open up on the surface of the ceiling, but this is uncertain. I'm unable to remember what I did afterwards.

Before I tell this story, let me briefly describe the 30ft. camper we lived in during that time. At the head in the center was a foldable table, with a small couch on either side. The entrance was immediately at the foot of the couch that I normally slept on (with my sister on the other). From the entrance you'd enter into the small kitchen. There was a small hall that went from the kitchen to the bedroom where my parents slept. From the couch that I slept on, you could only see the middle of the bed - the lower and upper parts hidden by the hall closets and bathrom.

Sometime after the occurence mentioned above (on a seperate night) I awoke in the middle of the night and sat straight up (for no apparent reason). At the side of my parents bed was an entity app. 3' tall. It had a large head, disproportional to its body, and HUGE black eyes (no visible pupils). I could make out a very small nose and mouth. The being also had long arms and short legs, as well as a tiny body. It's comical in a way - when I think about it, I'm amazed at how such a small frame could support such a big head. Anyway, the being just looked at me for a few seconds. This is going to be hard to describe, but I "felt" that it was sending me a message - a feeling of pleasure (as if happy about something). After this short exchange, the being turned toward the foot of the bed, and disappeared behind the hall closet. I was curious, and went down the hall to the bed, but didn't see anything. Like before, I don't know what I did after this. Throughout the entire encounter, I remained calm. There was absolutely no fear. This is in contrast to the previous event, which was very startling (although I don't recall being afraid that time either - just shaken up a bit).

I'll also just mention briefly here that for nearly a year after these encounters I feel certain that I was in contact with some of these entities (mentally). This may sound absolutely crazy, but I have genuine reasons to think so. They looked similar in appearance to the beings that the Hills [Betty and Barney Hill] describe. The contacts, if genuine (ie, not a part of my imagination - which I don't believe they are, but I'm open to the possibility - then it revealed some things about their nature. They have a sense of humor (sometimes juvenile), are very curious about our behaviours and environment, but at the same time seem somewhat detached).

I would go on about what I just explained, but I want to describe something else that has been bothering since it happened. During the summer, 1994, I awoke from a dream which might have some possible connections to some of my earlier experiences. I'm uncertain if a relation exists, but since there's a possiblity, I feel that it's important.

In the dream, I was standing in the parking lot of the computer science department here on campus with several other people. We were watching in amazment as balls of light danced around above us. One of them in particular caught my attention and within seconds it flew down and hit me. Immediately on impact, I found myself in a small, circular room. Around the perimiter was a panel with an array of assorted gadgets (can't really say for sure what they were, since my attention wasn't focused there).

In the middle of the room was some sort of column that had a series of elliptical lights running down it. My guess is that it was some type of generator. Anyhow, I saw about 3 other beings in the room. One on either side of the column, moving toward the panels, and another moving from the center of the room toward me. They were dressed in black up to the base of their neck. After the being in front of me took a couple of steps, the entire scene changed. What happened next is almost impossible to describe clearly, and I still have trouble visualizing the whole thing. Immediately in front of me was a mixed set of pictures and symbols, shown at a very fast rate of speed. Imagine being place directly in front of a flat TV screen and having the channel change every tenth of a second. That's the best illustration I can think of right now. I do recall a few scenes that lasted longer than the others. These were pictures of different parts of the U.S., specifically the north and northeastern regions. What really stands out the most is a clear voice that said, as the scenes were flashed in front of me, "These are your instructions". I don't know what to make of it, if anything. Just a dream, or something more??

Anyway, I could go on for days, but I don't have that kind of time and I'm sure others don't either. I just hope it helps shed a little light on the mysteries surrounding the abduction phenomenon. I'm very uncertain as to whether I or other members of my family have actually been abducted - I don't know for sure that the encounters I just mentioned imply an abduction. I do know that besides myself, my mother has had an experience with the beings. My sister hasn't related any alien-type encounters, and while my father hasn't told me that he has seen any entities, he has revealed some stories that make me wonder if he has been abducted.

In closing, as anyone had similar experiences to the ones I just mentioned. I'd especially be interested in any dreams that a person feels might be connected to an abduction/encounter. Thanks.

Many experiencers have been shown pictures, symbols and images all flashed quickly in front of their eyes in conjunction with an underlying message of 'mission'. Most report seeing doomsday scenarios of holocaust, the Earth being destroyed by some unknown force. Great earthquakes, fires, our world breaking apart into pieces. The stars falling from the sky. If what you remember is just a "dream", then we are all remembering the same "dream". How can this be? Ordinary people all over the world waking up, remembering, and reporting the same, or similar, "dream"?

What if we are being shown our immediate future? All of us feel a great sense of urgency. We feel an underlying sense of not enough time, that time seems to be compressing. We hurry more to accomplish less as we feel more and more rushed in our daily lives. Why? Modern day pressures, most will rationalize. But what if we have been shown our future, and our subconscious memory of what we've been told, is what's creating our anxiety. We KNOW we're running out of time!

Something is going to happen soon. We feel it, but can't begin to explain why. We know it, but we can't begin to convince ourselves, let alone someone else, that this is real. You saw an 'alien' floating above your bed. Sure you did, ha...ha! Go back to sleep, you just had a bad "dream".

How can you prove to yourself that this encounter experience is real? What if it left a strange mark on your body? Would that convince you? Probably not.

What if it did something really BIG that convinced you beyond a shadow of a doubt. You are now absolutely certain that this is real-time stuff. You are convinced of it. You know its true. Ok, now convince me. How you going to do that? Your words simply won't work. I just don't believe what you say. I'd have to see it to believe it...frustrating, isn't it?

But as more and more ordinary human beings come to experience this phenomona first-hand, something that is literally changing our lives (and bodies), we struggle harder for the answers. Time is short, we are driven to find the answers. Fear and panic prevail as we are 'abducted' over and over and over again. No longer is it socially taboo to speak of 'alien abductions' with loved ones and friends. It seems like everybody knows somebody that's been 'abducted'. It's so common that we no longer think it was just a "bad dream" because so many of us are having the same "dream". We are frightened, confused, scared to death that it is really happening. We begin to accept the fact something is going on, but who's going to believe us.

When enough of us believe each other, and validate the other's encounter experience, we will move on past the 'abduction' scenario and find out what this baffling mystery in our lives is all about. We will come to discover who the 'aliens' are, and ultimately, who we are. Hopefully we can put all the pieces of this intriging puzzle together before it's too late. Then, it won't matter anymore -- because we will all know what and why our lives are now being changed forever. -- Editor